OK; I last blogged 6 days ago and it felt like yesterday....
I had visitors at work: this is a very exciting ocassion, one that I spent far too long mentioning to everyone in passing, how very cool I am! Bearing in mind I haven't seen these friends in months, it was
very exciting. That and the hundreds of models arriving for a Nivea casting, escorting these gorgeous women through to the studio was fun but very embarassing for my face, particularly as not many had a scrap of make up on!
Back to the main story... we perused the Rankin Live exhibition (okay, Blane and Lucy did while I got changed in the toilet... classay) after a bit of cafe 1001 with Matt and Elliot, and then decided to eat some Sushi and Sandwiches.

Oxford street called for Topshop where I fell in l o v e with these shoes (blue), and I can't have them because I earn n a d a. Totally depressing.
On to LG Pout at Movida ("La Vida?")
which I will be adding pictures of as soon as I get them. As well as being a Fashion networking event run by the lovely
Miggy, it was also a release of the new LG crystal phone. It has a range of weird and wonderful features, I liked the originality of a perspex feature that also had touch capability. I just couldn't figure it out! At first I didn't get on with it (I've never been one for touch screen) but after a few tries it seemed fine. Definitely a fashion forward handset, which like my previous baby the
Motorola Luxury Razr 2, has it's own special bluetooth headset (available separately). Cocktails and general merriment led to me and Luce feeling a bit squiffy, and having to leave for a train back to Rochester. Which we missed. But nevertheless we all did a bit of networking with people from D1 models and Channel 4 filmers etc... missed out on Hip Hop karaoke which sucks, and has to be done soon.

After not being in Rochester for a few months, going back was strange, but also felt like I had never left! Endless cups of tea, more Sushi, crisps and sofas were just what I needed after getting up at 7am and endless working... I was so pleased to see Lucy and everyone again, will be great to move back but I'm dreading her leaving, won't be the same! And not being as close to London.
I did not realise that my business card networking type things were ridiculously huge, they're only A5, actually smaller! Is this huge? Hmmmm.....
In other news, Spotify finally decided to work (hence me being up now, it's amazing!), I still have major edits to do for the girls and Nudge Records, and yet the pile of work never decreases. Also have to find someone to work for my Dad tomorrow after Rankin Live!!!
Myself and Lucy Emma Harris have decided to team up for some shoots as a stylist and photographer duo. More on this to follow. Also need to blog in detail my day in the studio Weds, Mark Cowpers' exhibition and bits and pieces of the Rankin retrospective.